Wednesday 22 February 2012

Staying Strong to Stay Lean

I had a mammoth strength session this morning. But I have a confession...I dont think I have lifted anything heavier than my bike (non carbon bike, mind you, up and down 5 flights of stairs!) for months and months and, well, you get the picture.

What prompted my return to the lifting of the heavy things? This great little info session by Dr Rick Kattouf regarding obtaining and maintaining optimal weight for endurance athletes. One of the main points I took away is that he gets all of his athletes to strength train 3 times a week all year round. Regardless of if it is racing season or not. He believes the strength training, along with eating every 2.5-3.5hrs is the key to maintaining performance and weight. And really, without sounding like a twat, I knew all of this, its just that things very easily fall by the wayside when you are training for triathlon. I mean, you have to try to run a lot, and ride a lot and swim a lot and its very easy to get in to the trap of skipping core and strength work in favour of a few more kms on the bike and intervals on the track. Well, those days are over. Back to strength training. I will let you know what impact it has.

And my delicious breakfast after my Schwarzenegger rivaling workout? A Choc Beet Smoothie. I know, I know, getting rather creative in the smoothie kitchen aren't I?

Choc Beet Smoothie

Serves 1

300mls Almond milk (or any other, you know the drill)
1serve Pea protein
Handful of baby spinach
1/4lge Beetroot, roasted
1/3lge Banana
1-2t Organic cocoa powder
1/2c Ice

Then blend, blend, blend

I promise I will work on the camera skills. Until then lets all pretend that I get a 5 year old to take them.

Have a great day!

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