Thursday 16 February 2012

Scientifically Proven By Science. Pffffft.

There was a study published recently, in which overweight subjects were placed on a calorie restricted diet (1400cals a day for women and 1600cals a day for men). Half of all participants ate a breakfast consisting of 600calories, which included something sweet like cake or biscuits as well as the usual breakfast fare and the other half had a regular breakfast of 300 calories. All groups ate the same amount of total calories per day.

On average the participants from both groups lost the same amount of weight. The participants were then allowed to return to their regular eating, but continued with either their 300 calorie or 600 calorie breakfasts.  The results? The group who ate 300 calorie breakfasts averaged a weight gain of of 24 pounds and the group who ate 600 calorie breakfasts averaged 15 pounds of weight gain.

Now the research findings included highly intelligent ideas, such as that eating cake for breakfast helps with weight control and may stave off hunger cravings later in the day. What is so amazingly crystal clear to me, and what should have been the primary finding,  is that diets do not work. Calorie restriction does not work. Whether 15 or 24 pounds were re-gained, the point is that some of these people have had their weight fluctuate by over 12kg in the space of 6 months. How healthy is this?

Lasting weight loss happens when people identify why they overeat or make poor food choices and put sound habits in place to change their lifestyle, such as increasing physical activity and eating simple, wholefood diets. Lots of wholefoods. These foods contain the very things that help our bodies to work properly, so why would we restrict them?

On that note, I have an absolutely delicious rawfood recipe for you today

This is my fave salad lately. Its fresh, its light and it is quick to prepare. Don't let the fact that it does not contain and meat or animal product put you off. Its full of fibre, essential fatty acids and green goodness.I challenge you to eat this 3 times a week and see how you fel.

Raw Zucchini Sunflower Salad

Serves 1

1 Handful baby spinach, shredded
1/4 Avocado diced
6 Baby tomatoes halved
1/2 Lge zucchini diced
1 Spring onion diced
2T Sunflower seeds
2t Tamari or soy sauce
1t Sweet chilli sauce

Toss all ingredients together and enjoy.

Oh, and cake for breakfast. Much love x

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