Monday 20 February 2012

A Cheese to Treat you Right

The last time I tried to train according to my heart rate I ended up having to run so slowly I injured myself and couldn't run for 6 weeks. Go figure. But that was long enough ago now for me to have training amnesia and a new found desire to improve my cellular efficiency when it comes to swimming, riding and running.

Friday I set off on a nice 8km run, with the aim to keep my heart rate around 145bpm, just to gauge where I am at in terms of efficiency. If running so slow that you are able to hold a pretend microphoone and sing 'Love on Top' by Beyonce is efficient, then i'm there. I averaged 6min45sec km's at that heart rate. I usually run comfortably at 5min20's. So what does this mean?
1. My efficiency is poor. Sad face
2. I should see great improvement in my times when I build my efficiency and I have so much room for improvement. Happy face.
3. I am a multi-talented multi-tasking sing/runner

After April, bring on the base training.

And now to food. How I loveth thee.

Cheese and I have one of 'those' relationships. Everyone has had one. I love cheese, but it don't love me.

Every now and then, I get all nostalgiac, remembering back to how much fun we had together. And I go right back to cheese and it ends the same way every time. Cheese is just incapable of treating me good.

Those of you who can't eat cheese will know, that life is not quite the same without it. Pasta isn't as flavorsome, lasagne seems pointless and pizza is a bit boring. So you will understand when I say that finding how to make an easy, healthy, dairy free parmesan cheese, is possibly the most exciting food find I have had since superorbs.

This recipe has only 3 ingredients and can be made in under 2 minutes. I like to make a batch and store it in an airtight container in the fridge. Whilst i'm sure it would keep for at least a few weeks, it has never actually lasted that long at my house.

Vegan Parmesan Cheese

1/2c Raw macadamias
2T Nutritional yeast
1/4t Himalayan sea salt (or other salt)

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor and store in the fridge.

I hope this cheese treats you right, just like you deserve.

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