Monday 20 February 2012

After my dalliance with testing the 'efficiency' waters, it was back to business this morning. It is, after all, racing season. And I am, reportedly, going to attempt not to drown in my first Tri on April 1st.

I did a great little run session this morning that I thought I would share with everyone. What is so great about it is the fact that no matter how experienced (or inexperienced) you are at running, you can still get this done. So the plan was...

10min jog warmup
5 x 3min at 10s or 20s below race pace with a 1min30s recovery jog in between
10min jog cooldown

And because I am terrible at following directions and I can't leave well enough alone, what I actually did was this...

8min jog warmup
6 x 3min at 20s or 40s below race pace with a 1min30s recovery jog in between
6min jog cooldown

It felt awesome and my pace kept improving as I went which really affirmed what I already know - I am build for distance, not for short sharp speed.

Now if you are new to running and thinking this is all too difficult, never fear. Just make it simpler. I wouldn't expect you would have a garmin, but you can buy any old sports watch from a junk store and just run hard for 3 mins and then walk or jog for 1min30s and then go again. You might need to do a few less intervals, but as the weeks go by add one more interval a week and you will see changes very quickly. Also, if running is a challenge for you, then make your warmup and cooldown a brisk walk. Good luck! Tell me all about how you go.

And now for the breakfast of champions. (Champions in their own backyard, but champions none the less)

Fruit and Veg Smoothie

Serves 1

250ml Almond milk (or rice, goat, cow, soy, oat)
1/3 lge Banana
Big handful of spinach
2 handfuls frozen berries
1 serve pea protein (or soy or rice or cow)

Blend and enjoy

Train hard, eat hard.

Don't forget to tell me about your run sessions!

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