Monday 23 April 2012

My New Family Addition

What a week. Work is booming, my mum turned 50 ... then got engaged, we had a big party, I got an awesome new training regime to get me stronger and more balanced than ever before and last but not least ... there has been a new addition to our household. This little bundle of joy arrived on Monday evening, right on time, to my joyous shrieks  and Colins modest head nod. Let me introduce you to ... My new bike. I haven't named her yet. I'm going to see what kind of personality she has first.

So back to the training regime, which, so ironically, doesn't feature too much of my new baby. I have had, for years, trouble with little niggles all the time. I am never injured, but I always have something that is a bit 'unhappy' which causes me to have to avoid an aspect of my training or training all together. For example, I had an 'unhappy' ankle for about 3 months where it felt like I had injured it and would  be restricted in movement. I got treatment which included physio and dry needling into the muscle that runs next to your shin bone. That was a wonderful experience that I recommend you must do before you die (that is a blatant lie). Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't and rest would help sometimes but sometimes not. Now repeat the above sentence and replace ankle with hip, calf, knee and you can see how frustrated I get.

So I am trying something new. As they say, insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I have been seeing a brilliant exercise scientist at work who has given me a program based on the various testing and analysis he did on my posture and movement patterns. It is the bizness. Its really specific and helps me to forget the fact that he has allowed only 2 days of cardio. Yes, that is right, for the next 3 weeks and 2 days I am going to do only 2 shorter but higher intensity ride/run/swim sessions. Baby cheeses give me strength.

In the mean time, i'm just going to sit on my new bike in the kitchen and possibly shuffle on it around my 1 bedroom apartment. Because I can.

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