Wednesday 25 April 2012

Juice Buzz Report Day 1

All I can think this morning is why? Why would I pick our second freezing wintery day of the season to give up warm, comforting coffee? When I think about drinking my juice today instead of coffee all that comes to my head is expletives about what, exactly, I think of the idea and where, exactly, you can stick the juice.

I got through the morning by downing a few cups of Roasted Dandelion tea, which is bitter and dark like coffee and I found it a surprisingly good replacement. Crisis averted, now to wait for the afternoon.

I decided to go with a cold juice that will give me a little bit of warmth on the inside - A Carrot Ginger Juice and a few raw almonds to attempt to get rid of what I assume is a coffee withdrawal headache and  a very sluggish feeling.

Carrot Ginger Juice

Serves 1

3 Medium Carrots
3 Stalks of Celery
1.5cm piece of Ginger
1/4 Lemon
1/4 Orange

Juice to your hearts content.

The result ... the juice was really quite sweet. I think I needed more lemon and more ginger. I like my juice to make my face involuntarily screw up and then get a warm fuzz all the way down to my stomach. Normal people would probably find the juice I made quite pleasant.
Energy wise I felt fine after the juice. It did give me a bit of a pick-me-up and I didn't have a coffee craving anymore.
Sleep wise I slept as per usual - straight to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and then spent the wee hours of the morning half asleep half awake thinking I hadn't emailed a client back. I'm really hoping my juice buzz will help to improve this.

Day 1 ... done. How did you go?

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