Saturday 28 April 2012

Coffee Vs Juice Day 2 to 4 + Epic Fail

There is an old English saying that goes something like this - "Thou can only be consistent with so many things at one time. Too much consistency is harmful to ones health." That is a lie. I just made that up to make myself feel better about the fact that I managed two consecutive days of blogging before I fell of the wagon. And only 4 days of juicing before I caved to the powers of coffee.

What did me in? Well to be honest it wasn't fatigue or cravings or anything serious at all. It was Mums offer of meeting up on a sunny Saturday morning to walk the dog and drink a latte. How could I say no when... well, I didn't want to?!

Due to the great success of my 7 day Juice challenge (insert scoff here), I am considering a 30 day Paleo challenge that is happening in blogland lately. You can read about paleo eating in a previous post. For the most part I already eat Paleo, but we can always do to reduce the processed food in our diets and it will be a great way to bring new ideas to you guys. Plus I know lots of you aim for paleo eating anyway.

So I am planning to spend my lazy Sunday revising my paleo book, followed by a non paleo lunch with the bestie and then bookended by reading rest of said book. Then, and only then I will make the educated decision (possibly in a mild wine haze - I found most decisions are best made in this state) about whether I will try the challenge.

In other news (I use the term loosely), I am taking the new bike out for her first ride. I don't count riding it around and around the carpark under my building for the last few days actually riding. So here we go. I only expect to go 15km/hr faster with no extra effort so I am sure I won't be disappointed.

Train hard and eat well guys. As always!

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