Thursday 5 April 2012

Belly-lovin Protein Bars

I don't know anyone who doesn't want rock hard abs, or at least a flat stomach. I get asked almost on a daily basis how you make it happen. The answer is really very simple. Eat well, exercise regularly, work your inner and outer abs a few times a week and voila!

Now if you're starting from scratch, it might take a little time for the fat to be lost, but persistence will pay off. And when it comes to your diet I do not mean depriving yourself of whole food groups for exactly 8 weeks then eating mashed potato, chocolate and pizza exclusively for the next 6, because it was all you could think of. Now that is just insane!

I mean including flat belly loving foods like;
Nuts and seeds
Lean meats
Lentils & legumes
Fresh fruits, especially berries, apples & pears
Coconut oil, flax oil
Natural yoghurt

These foods, all in one way or another, encourage healthy body fat levels. They are filled with compounds that help energy levels. They help me to feel well.

The other piece of the puzzle...the abs workout. I do this at least 3 times a week. It only takes about 7 minutes. I do 3 rounds till I can't do no more. ALWAYS quality over quantity with abs.

I do Side planks, front planks and a regular pilates crunch, extending alternating legs each time I crunch up (impossible to find a picture of this, but you should get my drift). When I really want to be challenged I do this circuit every day for 7 days and begin to think that I may give the Bodyrock chick a run for her money. In the interest of full disclosure, there is a fair chance I may never give her a run for her money in the abs department. I may die trying.

And of course I would never leave you without a delicious little recipe...

This one rocked my world. It is a raw nut and seed bar that with coconut oil and agave to sweeten. That means that not only does this taste awesome, its full of good fats, enzymes, protein, b vitamins, zinc, you name it, its likely in there. And for those of you on an anti-candida diet, just go easier on the agave and you will have a rare glimmer of deliciousness in that nasty, nasty diet.

Why so good for your belly you ask? The coconut oil has a compound in it which acts similarly to some antibiotics given for getting rid of bugs in your belly. PLUS it helps to stop muscle loss. Does this get any better?

I have given you a recipe for a chocolate and a vanilla protein version. And because you will have so much time this long weekend, why not make both.

Raw Chocolate Nut & Seed Bars

Serves 12

1/2 c each of Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds & Pepitas
3 Medjool dates
2T Agave syrup or pure maple syrup
2T Cacao powder
4T Coconut oil

Place nut and seeds in food processor and blend until well chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture and continue to blend until ingredients are well mixed.

Place cling wrap in a plastic container measuring approx 10cm x 18cm, so that it covers the bottom and sides. Pour nut and seed mix into container and pack down with the back of a spoon. Place in the fridge for 1hr.

After 1 hr, remove the slice from the container and cut into 12 pieces. Place gently back into the container and keep in the freezer. To serve, simply take a bar straight from the freezer and enjoy!

The same process can be followed for the following recipe. This one will have a little less sugar and pack more protein.

Vanilla Protein Nut & Seed Bars

Serves 12

1c Brazil nuts
1/3c each of Almonds, Pepitas & Sunflower seeds
2T Agave
4T Coconut oil
1/4c Vanilla Pea Protein Powder

Have a great Easter weekend guys, and remember ... Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.

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