Monday 5 December 2011

Sussan Fun Run Race Report

First order of business for this post - Christmas party update. The Christmas party was absolutely fantastic. I followed my eating, sleeping and exercise guidelines and arrived feelin' fine and ready to boogie. And boogie I did. Which brings me to Saturday...and nasty, dirty hangovers.

With my impending run on Sunday I attempted to salvage what I could of my health and followed a few guidelines;
1. WATER. Water, water and more water.
2. Don't indulge in overly processed foods - keep it simple
3. Vegies at every meal
Now all you nay-sayers just hold your horses. If you're reading this saying 'hangover without hot chips = never going to happen' then you really are resigning yourself to a lifetime of painful hangovers. I, too used to have a hangover protocol that consisted of Gatorade, lemonade, pizza and McDonalds.
Yeah, you can see how well that would go in terms of energy, recovery and general vitality... When I follow my healthier hangover routine I still feel tired, but the headache goes, the nausea goes and I generally feel so much better. But the real question is - does it work well enough to get you a PB?

And now we move on to the Sussan Fun Run
The aim of this 5km run was to beat 25mins. The defeatest in me said that I would consider under 26mins a victory and the eternal optimist had me planning that if I went under 24mins I would perform similar to Usain Bolt after becoming the fastest man in the world.
I started nice and close to the front and, armed with my killer playlist (Bounce - feat Kelis, Moves like Jagger - Maroon 5, Till the world ends - Britney, Best of you - Foo fighters, Bonkers - Dizee Raskal, Lose yourself - Eminem) I went out quick...a bit too quick. But hey, you only live once right? By the 2nd kilometre we looped back and ran straight into a headwind for the next 3kms. By the 4km mark I was really starting to feel it. I felt sick and I felt like I just didn't have anything left to give. I was doing 5:20kms and couldnt see myself getting any faster. Then, as I was on the home stretch I just tried to increase the pace for dear life. It also helped that my family were cheering me on and I didnt want to look like a chump! I had assured Colin I would smash his 5km time and this reminder was enough for me to sprint it home.

Final Time...Drumroll please..... 24mins 50secs

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