Tuesday 29 November 2011

"Lets get this party started on a Saturday night, everybody's waiting for me to arrive" Pink

When I say party, I mean Christmas party, when I say Saturday, I mean this Friday and when I say that everybody will be waiting for me to arrive, I may be using poetic licence. So what.

Tis the party season and whilst I'm not a fan of diets, crash, fad, 'sensible' or otherwise, I am certainly a fan of turning up to a shindig energised, un-bloated and feelin' fine. Ideally we would feel this way all the time, but sometimes life happens and it just doesn't eventuate. So how do I make sure I turn up with my party shoes on (apart from making sure to wear my party shoes)? There are 3 main areas I cover off, which I concentrate on for 3 days beforehand.
1. Exercise - I make sure I get in a good 45-60 min sweat session for each of the 3 days leading up to the event
2. Diet - I eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean meats, nuts and seeds. Water (3 or so litres including what I drink while I train) & green tea are my essentials.
3. Sleep - At least 8 hours each night.

Here is an example of what I would eat in the days leading up;
Breakfast - Smoothie with kale, banana, pea protein, almond milk & a little honey
                  Gluten free toast with Almond spread
Snack - Green Tea with Almonds and Capsicum Sticks
Lunch - A little brown rice with kidney beans and chopped avocado & Poached chicken with lemon + green tea
Snack - Beetroot, celery, carrot, spinach & ginger juice + rice cakes with tuna
Dinner - Lamb steak with steamed brussell sprouts & broccoli drizzled with lemon, flax oil and a few toasted sunflower seeds

And my training;
30 minute run, increasing pace every kilometre
Circuit (1 minute of each activity, 3 or 4 rounds)
Bentover rows
1 leg squats
Frontal raise with shoulder press

So that is the surefire plan that gets me feelin' energised and confident at party season. The important thing is that its not drastically different from my normal exercise, diet and sleep patterns, I just make sure to be extra nurturing, consistent & mindful.

Which brings me to another point...I have the Sussan Womens' Fun Run on Sunday - which i'm trying to PB. So I am imagining that Saturdays post will be all about how to recover from excessive alcohol consumption in 24hours so as to run like the wind.

Happy partying friends!

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