Friday 11 November 2011

"Here's to the Freakin' Weeken'" Rihanna

Here is to the freakin' weeken' my friends! I'm quite sure that my weekend was not what Rihanna had in mind when she penned that song. The awesome weekend of those of us gifted with an athletic obsession goes something like this...
Friday night work drinks. 2 wines. Quite sozzled. In bed by 10pm. "Sleep in" till 7am. Nasty brick session (nasty = gooood). Lots of sweat, lots of lactic acid, lots of smiles. Eat food, spend time with family. Out for dinner. 2 wines. Quite sozzled. "Sleep in" till 7am. Long ride with mother. Lots of gas-bagging. Less sweating, less lactic acid. Massive breakfast with the bestie. Eat more food, spend more time with the ones I love the most. Cook up a storm. Sleep...and we have arrived at Monday.
Mix a little sunshine in with it and it doesn't get a lot better than that!

But what comes before the weekend. Is that "Friday" I hear you say? Well my friends, you would be right. And this Friday was started in the very best way - with a sunrise run and a Cheeky Monkey smoothie. A Cheeky Monkey smoothie you say...yes. I love this smoothie after a good workout. It contains all the ingredients that you need for your muscles to recover, your glycogen to restore and the free radical damage to be minimised. Plus, did I mention its delicious? Well it is!

Cheeky Monkey Smoothie
200mls Almond milk (or your milk of choice)
100mls Water
30g Pea Protein (or your protein powder of choice)
1t Almond Spread
1/2 Medium banana
1/2t Agave syrup (or honey)
1t heaped Raw Cacao powder (or cocoa)

Blend all ingredients together for a few minutes. Add ice cubes if you want it extra cold. Enjoy!

Here's to your freakin' weeken'!

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