Sunday 6 November 2011

Its Gettin Hot in Here

This morning was the first morning that I have trained where it has been above 15 degrees in what feels like a lifetime but is probably more like 6 months. It was perfect riding weather - light breeze, sun shining, but by the time I got off the bike and started my run the sun was out and it was H.O.T. A 23km ride followed by a 4.5km run that all in all took me about 1hr45mins. The ride was really relaxed and the run was easy-ish. Oh using these very blase terms kill me. My Garmin is being assessed for replacement so speeds, distances, splits are all a mystery to me. Tech heads, i'm sure you feel my pain.

The second best part about a good training session where you dont have to rush to work after...breakfast. We had a big fruit salad and vegemite toast. Not my usual breakfast fare but completely delicious.
When we got home I decided to whip up a batch of Pumpkin Pudding. Its based loosely on a mixture of recipes I have found with a few additions that balance it nutritionally because, well, i'm a nutritionist and thats what I do!
This is a great snack or evening treat and a good option if you get any cravings for sweet foods. Its also great for post training as it includes plenty of carbohydrates as well as good fats and protein. The Maca aids in balancing hormones and is a potent antioxidant - helping to limit free radical damage.

Pumpkin Pudding
2 cups Pumpkin Puree
2T Almond Spread
1T Maca Powder
2T Pea Protein Powder*
6 Medjool Dates
1t Cinnamon
1/2t Powdered Ginger - or fresh if you dare!

Pumpkin puree can be made by steaming pumpkin until soft, allowing to cool and then blending in your food processor.
Place all ingredients into your food processor and mix until smooth. Place into individual pudding cups or a large glass bowl and allow to set in the fridge. You can sprinkle the pudding with chopped nuts or chia seeds to serve if you like

*You can use any kind of protein powder for this - Pea, Rice, Soy, Cows, Goats, whatever you like. If you don't have Maca at home you can replace it with your protein powder and just use 3T of protein powder

A nice cool pudding to have as the weather heats up. Enjoy!

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