Wednesday 21 December 2011

"The Best Ideas Come in Threes..."

I don't know who said this great quote - Confucious, Marilyn Monroe or the man who invented the Post-it. Actually now that I think about it, it may have been me. Unimportant.

This week I was doing a little surfing of the world wide web, as I do from time to time and I stumbled upon a great thing. Apparently it is quite common amongst triathlon circles to have what is affectionately termed 'Hell Week' (sounds downright wonderful doesn't it). This 'Hell Week' is usually done over the Christmas break and is as much, if not more, about training your brain as it is about training your body. A typical training schedule for hell week is a 100km ride in the morning, 5km run in the afternoon and 1km swim in the evening. Now am I crazy or does that sound like an awesome challenge?! A bit of both I hear you say? Excellent. I will take that as an interest on your part in joining me for my first great very own Christmas Hell Week. It has a ring to it doesn't it. So, beginning Christmas eve I am a woman on a mission. I will keep you posted

And now of course we have brilliant idea number 2. Healthy Choc Chip Cookies. I really see idea 1 and idea 2 as going hand in hand. I have been looking for a treat to make that doesn't taste like a 'health food', but really is. I was able to find a recipe and make a fair few changes to make sure it was higher protein, dairy free and yum. Bring on the cookies, I say!

Choc Chip Cookies

Makes 12
1c tinned Chickpeas, blended until smooth
1/4c Coconut Sugar
1/4c Coconut Oil
1 Egg
1t Vanilla Essence
1/2c Sweet William Dairy Free Choc Chips
1/4c Walnuts chopped
3/4c Self Raising Flour
1/4c Rice Protein powder
1/4c Rolled Oats

Cream the oil and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla essence and beat until fluffy. Mix in chickpeas and choc chips. Add the remaining ingredients. Roll into 12 balls and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Flatten the balls so that they are approximately 1cm thick and 2cm spread apart. Bake on 180 degrees for approximately 20 minutes.

These cookies are really good, even if I do say so myself. They are full of protein and fibre so do well as a stand alone snack. I might even take one out on a ride this weekend.

And now the only question left is...what will the 3rd great idea be?

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