Tuesday 1 May 2012

Pa Pa Paleeeoooowww

The best decisions are always made in the presence of cake and wine. Everyone knows that.

So it made sense that on Sunday, after the consumption of wine and cake, whilst doing the weekly grocery shop, I made the final decision that I would give 'paleo' a go. And ever since I have been hearing "Pa, pa, paleeoooowww" to the tune of Sussudio by Phil Collins in my head at least 20 times a day.

So here is the deal. This is how the paleo diet is meant to work. But its important to note that I don't think it is a miracle, or a cure for anything or even a brand new idea. It just makes sense to me really. Not everyone will like it and not everyone will feel their most well and happy eating this way. If that's the case then use your noggin and don't do it. Groundbreaking huh?!

I will follow the guidelines with 3 exceptions, because, as I say time and time again, I don't believe in "diets" and if I didn't have these exceptions, then, for me, it would become a diet and I can't be on a diet for 24hrs, let alone an ongoing basis.

For 30 days I will eat;
Lamb, chicken, fish, beef and kangaroo - All either organic or free range, basically the best I can find
Eggs - Again organic and free range
Vegetables except potato (because its gross)
Nuts & Seeds
Organic Oils like coconut, flax etc

I will avoid;
Cane sugar
Processed foods that are not raw (for more info see below)

My exceptions to the rule are;
Protein powder - There is no chance at all of me eating meat for breakfast every day. None. So I have chosen to stick with my normal smoothie breakfast which contains raw protein powder sourced from sprouted seeds and grains. I have, however substituted the almond milk in it (which contained sugar) with organic coconut juice that contains pulp which makes it creamy and thick.

Coffee - 1 a day with a dash of soy milk. Because I like it. And I have to be up at 4.30am 3 days a week.

Carob Kibble Nibbles - These. rock. my. world. I just discovered them. They are literally carob pods chopped up and then packaged. No heat processing, no refining. Technically they belong to the legume family so are a no no, but if having a small handful of these every day helps me not to eat a family block of chocolate, then I'm happy to make the sacrifice. PS, they can be found HERE if you live in Melbourne

Processed foods
Processed foods are not allowed when you are eating paleo, but the term 'processed' is pretty vague really. I mean, if something has water added to it, then technically it has processed. You can see how this could get tricky. So I am doing what I always do and marching to the beat of my own drum - as long as the foods are raw and organic - meaning not heat treated and wholefoods meaning no artificial or nature identical flavours, colours, sweetners, preservatives, blah blah blah then I will eat small amounts in moderation. I will endeavour, however to eat atleast 90% of my food from the traditional paleo list.

As you can see if you are a traditional paleo-er this post will have you up in arms about my rule changes, but if that's the case then relief is only a 'click the x' away. Then there will be some of you shocked by how many times you can say 'paleo' in 1 post. And then there will be the rest of you who are hopefully interested in what I'm going to eat, how it will all taste, how it will make me feel and of course whether or not I fail miserably.

Only time will tell kids, only time will tell ...

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