Friday 4 May 2012

Day 4 - Coconut Butter and Other Delights

Day 4 started with delightful clients and a really upbeat feeling at work despite howling icy winds and sleeting rain. Hello Winter, not overly nice to see you. But I think Winter is fantastic - not because I like cold weather. Au contraire. I like Winter because it helps us to appreciate sunshine. And the smell of the warm summer nights air. And straight hair because the rain hasn't made it go frizzy. Ahhhh the simple things.

So paleo today looked like this

Choc Nana Smoothie - caveman style. Cavemen had blenders didn't they?

Coffee & Coconut Butter
I had noticed these little snack packs of coconut butter at the health food store and figured what better time than now to give them a try. The verdict ... they grow on you. The first 2 mouthfuls were horrendous. The rest of it tasted awesome. Just like blue cheese. Be warned though, don't eat one of these without some water nearby. It has the texture of dry peanut butter. Give it a try!

Roo Casserole
Leftovers from last night tasted just as good. Oh how I wish I had cooked more.

Paleo Banana Bread & Coconut Juice
I got the recipe for this awesome bread HERE. Truth be known I may never stop looking at this site. Its pretty and interesting and the recipes look delish. The only changes I made ... because I am incapable of following a recipe perfectly, is that I used 1c Almond meal and 1c Coconut flour instead of 2c Almond meal. This meant that I had to add an extra 1/2c water because the coconut flour is a lot dryer. I also substituted the honey for agave, simply because I didn't have any honey in the cupboard. Last of all I didn't using baking soda because I'm pretty sure it's really un-paleo.

Carob Kibble Nibbles

I think it is time to get Instagram. It helps to disguise that both the iphone camera and myself are rubbish when it comes to photography.

Meatloaf with Baked Zucchini and Kale

I used THIS meatloaf recipe, only I used beef instead of chicken, fresh garlic and onion and no basil. I told you, I have a substitution problem.
With the cold snap I'm completely uninterested in vegetables unless they are stewed or baked, so I'm just going with it...

Today was a day off training. Its really hard to get inspired when the only form of cardio you are really allowed to do is the cross trainer. Wanna come to my pity party? I'm serving freshly cooked paleo delights.

And remember ... "you are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way" - Jennifer J Freeman.

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