Wednesday 21 March 2012

I Get by with a Little Help from my Kindle

Sometimes, life is about compromising. Health and fitness is no different. Whilst its important to have a plan and a best case scenario in your head, its also important to be able to accept that sometimes motivation, work, energy levels, various commitments and the ability to give a stuff can get in the way. It hhow you deal with it that counts. One of my favorite quotes, goes something like this... "Life is tough for everybody, its how you rise to the challenge that defines you"

On the 3rd week into my heart rate base training, I am learning to make friends with stationary bikes, runs that are done at the same pace as walks and doing whatever you have to do to get things done. Ordinarily, I would absolutely, under no circumstances read a book or magazine whilst exercising. It is about as helpful as coming back from a run to have a smoke (which, by the way, I used to do when I started this healthy lil' lifestyle). But when you are staring down the barrel of a 105min steady pace ride staring at a blank wall, interventions are required.

I had my Kindle, magazines, ipod, phone and Garmin. I would usually laugh at a person like me, but the result was that I was able to get it done, which is what base training is about really.

I also had a great view from the bike of the marquees being put up for Ironman Melbourne - so exciting.

After a 4.30am start, a 2hr ride and lots of running around, by dinner time I I contemplated having toast for dinner, then I contemplated a smoothie and as I stood in the kitchen, I realised it was time to suck it up and just get dinner done too. I have a crazy schedule and I spend a lot of time tired, but if I ate toast every time I was tired, well, I would be eating an awful lot of toast!

I decided on Amaranth and Chili Chicken Pasta instead. It was SO much better than toast and realistically, it only took me 15 minutes to cook. Not only did my body get better nutrition, it tasted better and I felt better about being able to just get over it and spend the extra 10 minutes in the kitchen. I got my protein fix for building and repairing my muscles, healthy grains from the amaranth pasta and antioxidants and flavour punch from the garlic, chili and spinach.

Amaranth and Chili Chicken Pasta
Serves 1

45g dry Amaranth pasta (or any kind you like) cooked as per instructions
100g Chicken tenderloins, cooked
1/2t Chili, chopped
1 clove Garlic, chopped
4 Sundried tomatoes, finely diced
Handful of baby Spinach

1T Vegan Parmesan

Combine your cooked chicken, chili, garlic, tomatoes and spinach in a pan over low heat until it is heated through, the spinach has wilted and the aroma of the garlic and chili starts to release. Place chicken mix on top of drained pasta. Top with your vegan parmesan.

 So the lesson for today boys and girls is that you rarely ever regret putting in the time and effort to train hard and eat right. You almost always will regret not making the effort, though. Did I mention today was brought to you by the letter B and the number 5? Nevermind...

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