Monday 23 January 2012

Sunrises, Insanity and Soup

The weather lately has been spectacular. This morning was no exception. Spectacular sunrise. Bug stuck in my eye for half my ride. Magic.

I set out to ride my usual 'before work' little 20km ride with the intention of doing 1km intervals. When I ride of late I just try and ride as hard as I can for as long as I can and I have gotten a bit 'stuck' in terms of my progress. So what do we do when we stall? Do something different! Because some smarty pants once said 'Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result'. A-men. So i'm going to spend the next 3 weeks doing 1 long, steady ride and 2 smaller interval style rides and see what happens. I'm expecting great things.

I have to say I really like the interval style training, I love me some recovery kilometres! I averaged about 26km/hr on my recovery kilometre and 31km/hr on my work kilometre. My legs were still a bit sore, despite a recovery day so next session I am hoping to average 32km/hr.

Now, I am very aware that it has not been soup eating weather in downtown Melbourne of late, but I had me a craving for my favorite soup. This Spicy Carrot soup is just so easy to make. If you have bad circulation its sure to warm you up, it is anti-inflammatory and it freezes well. There is next to no protein in this soup so make sure you have it with a protein source. You could add lentils to it if you wanted to increase the protein.

Spicy Carrot Soup

Serves 4

3-4 Large carrots, peeled and chopped roughly
2c Vegetable stock
1 Can lite coconut milk
1t fresh grated ginger
1-3t curry powder (depending on your preference)

In a pot place carrots, ginger and curry powder and cook for 2 minutes until spices become fragrant. Add vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer until carrot is cooked through. Add coconut milk and more water, depending on how thick you like your soup. Blend until smooth. Garnish with coriander or parsley and natural yoghurt.

I am aware that I owe you guys 1 x photo food diary. Stay tuned, it's coming.

Until next time...

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